Welcome To the Progressive Lutheran

Welcome To My Homepage

A Site for Progressive Lutherans and anyone who is interested.

I was an ELCA pastor for 17 years before moving to Toronto to be an ELCIC pastor for the past 5 years. I serve a multi-ethnic Lutheran church that welcomes everyone. I’m a Lutheran feminist male pastor who likes microbrews, Cuban cigars, a nip of Jack Daniels (invented by Pastor Dan Call, a Lutheran), the MN Vikings and a St. Olaf alum (Um Ya Ya). I own the Green Bible, use inclusive language in worship, am an avid reader of the Christian Century, am a fan of Martin Marty, Martin Luther, MLK Jr., Gandhi, Barbara MacHaffie, Mary, and Jackson Katz to name a few.

Site Updates

I'll have content added to this site by the 1st week of Easter - that's for you church calendar Lutherans. For now, you can visit my church website: peacelutheranchurch.ca                2010-03-12

Site Enhancements

My Site

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page